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Past Board Meetings
The easy way to save for retirement. Our mission is to empower workers to establish and increase retirement savings through an automatic, low-cost, trusted retirement plan benefitting Maine workers, employers and taxpayers. The deadline has passed, but there’s still time to register! Your Savings: Do Not Open ’til Retirement! About MERIT More than 200,000 Mainers…
Employers / Employees
Employers Help employees build financial security with MERIT. All Maine businesses with five or more employees will be required to register with MERIT if they don’t already offer a qualified retirement savings plan. MERIT is an added benefit to offer employees and comes at no cost to Employers. Employers simply facilitate the program and maintain…
Studies The benefits to Maine and Mainers of offering automatic employer-based retirement savings are the subject of studies undertaken both in Maine and nationally. Retirement savings can offer Mainers a more secure retirement and save the State money by reducing public assistance spending for Maine retirees. Webinars Watch these Webinars to learn more about MERIT…
About the Board The Maine Retirement Savings Board was established to implement a public-private retirement savings program for Maine employees who do not have access to a retirement savings plan through their employer. The Board meets monthly to oversee the Program, including the Program Administrator and the Program’s investments. The Board develops the rules and…
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